Prof. Ranjna Jindal: An invited speaker for special session at the 2nd ICASH

Welcoming Prof. Ranjna Jindal to the special session at the 2nd International Conference on Applied Science and Health, on 29 September 2017, hosted by Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University.

Dr. Ranjna is recently a Program Director for International PhD Program in Environmental & Water Resources Engineering, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University.

Received Distinguished Adjunct Professor from Environmental Engineering and Management Program, Asian Institute of Technology in 2015, she has been involved in many projects, as Principal Investigators, in research field of water quality management, wastewater treatment processes, computer modeling of water and wastewater treatment processes and solid waste management in Asian countries.


Prof. Ranjna Jindal is also a section editor for Global Health Management Journal, an open-access, triannual, peer-reviewed, online journal with a strong emphasize on health and applied science in health, by Indonesian Scholars Alliance.

In the 2nd ICASH, Prof. Ranjna Jindal will share her experience in “Pharmaceutical and personal care products in wastewater treatment plants’ effluents and receiving water bodies“. 

All scholars are welcomed to attend this incoming conference. The participation can be either as Presenter or Non-Presenter. Registering as presenter, the participants can present their original research findings and best practices either in oral or poster sessions, while review article can be included only in oral session. Authors who decide to participate in Poster session are required to only send the ABSTRACT. Either full paper or the abstract should be submitted not later than 25 August 2017 through this link: .

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