Call for Paper: GHMJ, Vol.2, No.2, June 2018
Global Health Management Journal – A FREE Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Andrew J. Macnab.
GLOBAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (GHMJ) is an open-access, triannual, peer-reviewed, online journal with a strong emphasize on health and applied science in health. Authors are welcomed to submit original research paper, systematic review, best practice, and photo essay in health-related topics to our journal with ISSN 2580-9296 (ONLINE).
It focuses on health field with strong preference (but not limited) on public health in general, maternal and child health, nursing, midwifery, sexual and reproductive health, public health nutrition, environmental health, occupational health and safety, health promotion, health economics in South East Asia and other regions. Applied science in health also becomes one of our priority, especially in the field of health information and technology, innovation in health, and development of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives.
For the next edition, Vol.2, No.2, February 2018, this journal will address global health challenges including policy, research and practices, as the themes. This edition will include the extension of selected peer-reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on Applied Science and Health.
Papers, which meet our editorial criteria, are welcome throughout the year. Review process will take approximately 2 months before publication.
Global Health Management Journal will issue its publication in February, June, and October. However, with its ONLINE FIRST policy, if a manuscript is considered particularly timely, the journal may consider it for publication in Online First section of the website. This will mean the paper is published ahead of the triannual issue, but will be removed from the Online First section and incorporated into the completed triannual issue once it is published.
There are no article processing charges, submissions fees, or any other costs required to submit articles to this journal. Refer to the journal to learn more about the Registration and the Author Guidelines.
The journal is published by Yayasan Alliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand, also known as Indonesian Scholars’ Alliance, based in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
More updates in Facebook Fanpage Indonesian Scholars’ Alliance and Instagram
Important link:
* Journal website:
* The 3rd International Conference on Applied Science and Health: